Taking projections of high-dimensional data is a common analytical and visualisation technique in statistics for working with high-dimensional problems. Sectioning, or slicing, through high dimensions is less common, but can be useful for visualising data with concavities, or non-linear structure. It is associated with conditional distributions in statistics, and also linked brushing between plots in interactive data visualisation. This talk will describe the simple approach for slicing in the orthogonal space of projections obtained when running a tour, thus presenting the viewer with an interpolated sequence of sliced projections.
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This will presentation be a grab-bag of three topics:
A re-enactment of my rstudio::conf() talk “Small Team, Big Value: Using R to Design Visualizations”.
Discussion on rstudio::conf() itself.
A preview of what I plan to submit to UseR! (St. Louis), as a lightning talk – the package I worked on at Uncoast Unconf 2019: {steward}, to help you to document datasets. I’d like to see what the group might find useful for this package, as I work on it between now and July.
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gganimate allows for the animation of ggplot2 graphics. The package has been around for a while, but it has been updated to allow for easier transitions from static ggplot2 graphic to animated versions. This talk is meant to be an interactive tutorial on how to use the updated version of gganimate. You are encouraged to bring a laptop to follow along. Since the talk will be given on Halloween, spooky datasets will be used to demonstrate the functionality of gganimate.
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