Using vegawidget to render Vega-Lite specifications from R
The Vega-Lite framework offers the traditional grammar of graphics, rendered in the browser. It also offers a first implementation (at least within Vega-Lite) of a grammar of interactive graphics. The vegawidget package (not yet available on CRAN) provides a means to create and render Vega-Lite specifications using R.
In this presentation, we will go through a tutorial overview of vegawidget. To participate, you will need only a laptop with a modern browser (such as Chrome or Firefox), and an internet connection. This overview will cover scatterplots, bar charts, layered charts, time-indexed charts, faceted charts, repeated charts, interactive charts, and tooltips (time-permitting). Anything we do not finish during the presentation can be left as an exercise to the reader.
Vega-Lite documentation:
Vega-Lite InfoVis paper:
vegawidget documentation:
vegawidget tutorial: